Maintaining Bills
A bill is used to communicate changes in a customer's financial obligations to the customer. The topics in this section describe how to maintain bills.
The system creates most bills behind-the-scenes. Most bills are created by the system when it processes the bill cycle schedule. You should only have to access the bill pages to correct a bill or to add a bill real-time. For information about how the system creates bills, refer to The Big Picture of Billing.
It's important to be aware that there are very few fields that are directly modifiable by a user. To modify most fields on a bill, you have to change source information (e.g., service agreement, rate, meter read) and then regenerate the bill. For example, if you want to change a bill's amount, you must cancel or add bill segments; you cannot change the bill's amount by modifying the bill amount field. Refer to How To for step-by-step instructions that explain how to perform common bill maintenance functions.