The Source Of Bill Messages
When a bill is completed, the system sweeps bill messages from the following sources onto the bill.
Bill or Bill Segment Messages. Bill messages will be linked either to the bill or to one its bill segments depending on the source of the bill message code. In other words, messages associated with a service agreement (directly or indirectly) will be linked to the bill segment; messages associated with an account (directly or indirectly) will be linked to the bill.
All permanent and temporary bill messages linked to an account are linked to the bill when it is completed. Refer to Account - Bill Messages for more information. Note well that all temporary bill messages are removed from the account when they are swept onto a bill (a temporary message is swept onto the next bill produced for the account).
The system checks if the bill's account's customer class has bill messages. If so, it links all such messages that are effective on the bill date to the bill when it is completed. Refer to Setting Up Customer Class Bill Messages.
All permanent and temporary bill messages linked to service agreements that contributed bill segments to the bill are linked to their respective bill segment when the bill is completed. Refer to Service Agreement - Miscellaneous for more information. Note well that all temporary bill messages are removed from the service agreement when they are swept onto a bill segment (a temporary message is swept onto the next bill segment produced for the service agreement).
The system checks if each bill segment's rate has bill messages. If so, it links all such messages that are effective on the bill segment's start date to the bill segment when the bill is completed. Refer to Defining Calculation Rules for more information.
The system checks if the service provider associated with each sub bill segment has bill messages. If so, it links all such messages that are effective on the bill segment's start date to the bill segment when the bill is completed. Refer to Setting Up Service Providers.
The system checks if the meter read remarks referenced on meter reads used on a bill segment have bill messages. If so, it links all such messages that are effective on the bill segment's start date to the bill segment when the bill is completed. Refer to Meter Read Remark - Bill Messages.
In addition, a user may manually add an ad hoc message to a bill.
And finally, you can develop your own background processes and algorithms that add bill messages to accounts, service agreements, bills and/or bill segments. Refer to Substituting Field Values Into A Bill Message for examples.