The Source Of Bill Routing Information
When a bill is completed, the system creates a bill routing for each person linked to the account who receives a copy of the bill. The bill routing record contains the information that controls how, where and to whom a bill is sent.
The following points describe how this works:
Each person who receives a copy of an account's bill is listed on the account's person information.
A bill routing is created for each such person when the bill is completed.
The information that appears on the bill routing record is controlled by the bill route type specified on the respective account / person information.
If the bill route type’s routing method is email or fax and the system has been configured to use notification preferences for bill routing, a bill routing is created for each active contact preference whose notification type is associated with the bill route type specified on the respective account/person information ; otherwise, bill routings are created as follows:
If the bill route type indicates the person's bills are routed via fax, the "address line 1" address constituent is populated with the person's fax number. The system knows which of a person’s person contacts is a fax number is by the contact routing or which of a person's phone numbers is a fax number by the phone type.. If person contacts are used, the primary fax is selected. If phone is used and the person has multiple fax numbers, one is selected at random.
If the bill route type indicates the person's bills are routed via email, the "address line 1" address constituent is populated with the person's Email address. The system knows which of a person’s person contacts is an email or knows where to find the person email. If person contacts are used, the primary email is selected.
If the bill route type indicates the person's bills are routed via the postal service, the address constituents are populated with the address specified on the account / person's bill address source. Note, if the person has a seasonal address effective on the business date, the seasonal address will be used regardless of the value of bill address source.
Refer to Printing Bills and How To Reprint A Bill (For The Original Recipients or For Someone New) for more information. Refer to Account - Person Information for information regarding how to control who receives a copy of a bill, where the bill is sent, and how the bill is formatted.