C1-TOPPP - Third Party One Time Payment Controls Pre-Processing
This process reads all auto pay download staging records marked with a given batch control ID and run number, to verify that the associated one time payment was processed within the current processing cutoff time. Any one time payments that were processed after the cutoff will be updated with the next batch run number.
This is a plugin-driven batch process.
The C1–TOPPP batch control is delivered with two algorithms plugged in:
A Select Records algorithm is responsible for selecting the auto pay staging records to retrieve, based on the input batch code and batch run number..
A Process Record algorithm is responsible for verifying that each auto pay staging record selected was processed within the current cutoff time.
Your implementation can plug in your own Select Records and Process Record algorithms if your business rules for this extract differ.
This batch process is meant to be run after the Activate auto-pay (ACTVTAPY) runs and before Third Party One Time Payment Tender Controls (C1–TOPCT) runs. This batch control should be specified on your configured auto pay route type for third party one time payments.