Deposit Control Staging - Tender Control Staging
This page shows the details of a tender control staging record.
Refer to Populating The Payment Upload Staging Records for more information about this record.
Open this page using Menu > Financial > Deposit Control Staging > Search and navigate to the Tender Control Staging page.
Description of Page
External Source ID is the external source ID on the parent deposit control staging record.
External Transmit ID is the external transmission ID on the parent deposit control staging record.
The grid that follows contains a row for every tender control staging record linked to the deposit control staging record. The following information is displayed.
External Batch ID This is the unique identifier of the batch of payments in respect of the external transmission ID.
Status This is the state of the tender control staging records. Potential values are: Pending, In Progress, Complete, Error.
Tender Control ID This is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the related tender control. This value is populated after the system creates a tender control for the upload staging record.
Total Tenders Amount This is the sum of the payment amounts on the payment staging records associated with this tender control staging.
Total Number Of Tenders This is the number payment tender staging records associated with this tender control staging.