How To Add A Non-CIS Payment Using A Template
The payment portal allows you to add non-CIS payments using a payment template. Payment Templates can be configured for common types of payment allocations to pre-populate the payment distribution and allowing non-CIS payments to be directly allocated against distribution codes. The following steps explain how to do this.
You navigate through the pages as follows:
Open Menu > Financial > Payment Portal.
The Add Non CIS Payment Zone shows a list of all active payment templates. Use the Add button to add a non-CIS payment for a specific payment template.
Enter the payment and tender details ( Payment Amount, Payment Date defaults to the current date, Tender Source is used to find an open tender control when adding the tender).
Authorizing Tenders. If the Tender Type selected requires authorization (i.e. credit card payments), additional authorization details are required (e.g. credit card type, credit card number, etc.). Only one tender that requires authorization can exist for a single payment event.
For information about tender types requiring authorization, refer to How To Authorize A Credit Card Tender.
Enter the non-CIS information for the customer remitting the payment ( Customer Name, Agreement Number and Comments to describe anything unusual about the non CIS payment).
Payor Account ID. The Non CIS Account Id specified on the payment template is used as the tendering account. If the account has exceeded your cash-only threshold and the Tender Type isn't marked as "like cash", a warning appears advising of such.
Including a CIS payment. If a portion of the tender is for a CIS payment, ensure that the Add CIS Payment checkbox is selected. The system will process the non-CIS payment, and then navigate the user to the Payment Event page where the CIS payment can be included.
The distribution details are defaulted from the payment template but may be overridden. You can add additional distribution lines. Enter the payment amount and Reference Number for each applicable distribution line.
When you click the OK button, the system creates the payment event and tender(s). A single payment is created for each non-zero amount entry in the distribution details list. The payment template is captured as a characteristic on the tender. The corresponding distribution code, GL account and reference number are captured as characteristics on each payment. When the financial transactions are created for these payments, the distribution code (and GL account) is retrieved from the payment characteristic collection.