If the payment event was created using distribution rule(s), any transfer of its payments should also be done using the distribution rules method. Hence, a different dialog opens when you click Transfer based on whether the payment event is associated with at least one distribution detail or not.
Transfer (No Distribution Details Exist)
The Transfer button is enabled if:
There is a single non-cancelled tender linked to the event AND
There is a single frozen payment linked to the event AND
The account on the tender is the same as the account on the payment.
When clicked, the Payment Event Transfer dialog opens.
You must specify the following parameters in the Payment Event Transfer dialog to transfer a payment:
Account ID is the account to which the payment event should be transferred.
Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the transfer.
Match Type and Match Value are defaulted based on their values for the payment event that you are transferring. If necessary, modify the values appropriately for the account to which you are transferring the payment event. Match Type and Match Value are used for an account that belongs to an open item customer class or to restrict the distribution of the payment to a specific service agreement. Refer to Payment Event - Main for more information.
Turn on Freeze Payment if the transferred payment should be frozen automatically. You may want to leave this turned off if you want to examine the payment distribution before freezing the payment.
Non CIS Name, Reference Number, and Non CIS Comments appear if the Account ID belongs to a customer class that is used for non-CIS payments. Refer to Setting Up Customer Classes for more information.
Clicking OK causes the following to take place:
The account on the tender is changed to reflect the transfer to account.
The original payment and its segments are cancelled.
A new payment is added for the transfer to account. The payment characteristics associated with the original payment are copied to the new payment.
The new payment is distributed.
If so designated, the new payment is frozen.
Transfer (Distribution Details Exist)
The Transfer button is enabled if:
There is a single payor AND
All existing payees before the transfer are the same as the payor AND
There is at least a single non-cancelled tender linked to the event
When clicked, the Payment Event Transfer dialog opens.
You must specify the following parameters in this dialog to transfer payment(s):
Distribution Rule is the account to which the payment event should be transferred.
Rule Value is the value associated with the payment and expected by the distribution rule.
Amount is the payment amount.
Cancel Reason defines why you are performing the transfer.
Clicking OK causes the following to take place:
The payment(s) associated with the original account are canceled.
The new set of distribution details are processes, creating new payment(s) for the transfer to account. The payment characteristics associated with the original payment are copied to the new payment.
If all new payments are for the same payee account (and the payee is different than the current payor) the account on the tender is changed to reflect the transfer to account.
Original distribution details (only those with a non-zero amount) are deleted and replaced by the new set of details on the payment event.
Distribution rule entries can have a zero amount. Refer to Rule Value Can Capture Additional Information for more information about how to use distribution details to capture additional payment related information.
Determine Tender Account. This dialog does not call the Determine Tender Account algorithm defined on distribution rule as this action does not rebuild the payment tender collection.
Refer to Rule Value Can Capture Additional Information for more information about how to use distribution details to capture additional payment related information.