Adjustment - A/P Request
The Description of Page below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How and When To Use An Adjustment for instructions describing how to perform common maintenance functions.
The A/P Request page contains information about adjustments used to refund money via an A/P check request. This page is only relevant if:
The adjustment's adjustment type references an A/P Request Type (i.e., it will be interfaced to your accounts payable system which will cut the check), AND
The adjustment is frozen.
Open this page using Menu > Financial > Adjustment > Search and navigate to the A/P Request page.
Description of Page
Adjustment Info contains a concatenation of the adjustment amount, adjustment type and status.
Adjustment ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the adjustment.
Account ID is the account to which the adjustment is linked.
Adjustment type controls A/P check requests. The A/P Request information is populated when an adjustment used to refund money via an A/P check request is frozen. Whether or not an adjustment is interfaced to A/P is controlled by the adjustment's adjustment type. The adjustment type's A/P Request Type controls the payment date and the bank.
Name is the name printed on the check. This name is derived from the account's main person:
If this person has an override mailing name, the first line of the override mailing name is used.
If this person does not have an override mailing name, the person's primary name is used.
Payment Selection Status is the status of the check request. The values are:
Not Selected for Payment before it's selected by A/P for payment
Requested for Payment after it's selected by A/P
Paid after it's paid by A/P
Canceled if it's been canceled in A/P
Hold if it's been held in A/P
Scheduled to Pay is the date on which the check is scheduled to be cut. This is equal to the adjustment date plus the Due Days on the adjustment type's A/P request type.
The following fields are provided in order to support a two-way interface with an A/P system. The system provides the inbound web service C1-UpdateAPCheckRequest that can be used to update these fields.
Payment Date is the date on which the check was cut in A/P. This field is only populated after A/P cuts the check.
Paid Amount is the amount of the check. This field is only populated after A/P cuts the check.
A/P Request ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the A/P check request.
Payment Number is the system-assigned number of the payment in A/P (this number typically appears on the printed check). This field is only populated after A/P cuts the check.
The address information in the bottom frame is the address to which the check is mailed. This is the billing address of the main customer linked to the account. After the adjustment is frozen, this information is automatically populated based on the address information for the account. This information is only modifiable when the Payment Selection Status is Not Selected for Payment.