Adjustment - Main Information
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How and When To Use An Adjustment for instructions describing how to perform common maintenance functions.
The Main page contains core adjustment information. Open this page using Menu > Financial > Adjustment > Search.
All adjustments reference a very important field that controls much validation and processing; this field is called Adjustment Type. Take special care when adding a new adjustment to specify the appropriate Adjustment Type as it affects how the adjustment appears on the customer's bill, how the adjustment is reflected in your general ledger, and much more. After the adjustment is frozen, you may not change its Adjustment Type.
Description of Page
Adjustment Info contains a concatenation of the adjustment amount, adjustment type and status.
Formatting may be performed by a plug-in. The contents of Adjustment Info may be formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the Adjustment Type. Refer to the base package's C1-ADT-INFO for an example. If such an algorithm is not plugged-in on the Adjustment Type, the system looks for a corresponding algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's C1-ADI-INFO for examples. If you prefer different formatting logic, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately.
Adjustment ID is the system-assigned, unique identifier of the adjustment.
Account ID is the account to which the adjustment is linked. The name of the main person on the account appears next to the account ID.
Use Service Agreement ID to define the service agreement whose value needs to be adjusted. Basic information about the service agreement appears adjacent.
Premise is a display-only field that shows the Service Agreement's characteristic premise (i.e., the primary premise associated with the service agreement).
Indicate the Adjustment Type. This field is very important as it controls numerous aspects of the adjustment's impact on the customer's balance and your general ledger. This field is gray after the adjustment is frozen.
You can only choose certain adjustment types. The service agreement's SA type has a collection of valid adjustment profiles. You may only reference adjustment types that are listed in one of the adjustment type profiles linked to the SA type.
The list of adjustment types is also restricted to those without a CIS Division and those with a CIS Division that matches the service agreement’s CIS Division.
Enter the Amount of the adjustment. If the adjustment type is a calculated adjustment, the Calculated Amount and Calculation Date are displayed. The values of the calculated amount and calculation date are displayed after the adjustment is generated. The calculated amount shows the result of the generate adjustment algorithm. The calculation date is specified when you click Generate for a calculated adjustment type. It is used by the generate adjustment algorithm for any calculations that are effective dated (e.g., rate version calculation group or bill factor value).
Default note. The adjustment amount defaults based on the adjustment type. When you change the adjustment type, the amount changes accordingly. You may change the adjustment amount after it is defaulted.
On Behalf SA ID is a display-only field that is only populated on system-generated adjustments instigated by one customer, but attributed to another customer. For example, if chargeable field work is performed for a customer, but is payable by the customer's meter maintenance service provider, the adjustment will be linked to the service provider and will reference the customer's SA as its On Behalf SA ID. This field is only visible if it is populated on the adjustment.
You may not change an adjustment's Adjustment Status directly. Rather, you use the buttons in the Adjustment Actions area. Refer to The Lifecycle Of An Adjustment for the details.
If the status is canceled, the Cancel Reason is displayed.
Use the Comments to describe anything unusual about the adjustment.
The Creation Date defines the date on which the adjustment was created.
If the adjustment is subject to approval, a message indicating such appears. Clicking this message navigates the user to the Approvals tab. Refer to The Big Picture of Adjustment Approvals for more information.
The financial transaction (FT) grid contains the financial transactions associated with the adjustment. It only contains information after the adjustment is frozen. If the adjustment is canceled, a second row appears showing the details of the cancellation FT.
Financial Transaction ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the FT. Click the go to button to transfer to the financial transaction. On this page you can change certain aspects of the FT in question.
Arrears Date is the date the FT starts aging.
Accounting Date is the date the system uses to determine the FT's accounting period in your general ledger.
Current Amount contains the FT's effect on the service agreement's current balance.
Payoff Amount contains the FT's effect on the service agreement's payoff balance.
Bill ID is the bill on which the FT appears (if it has been swept onto a bill). Click the adjacent go to button to transfer to the bill on which the FT appears. Note: an FT is linked to a bill the next time a bill is completed for the service agreement's account.
The Calculation Lines grid contains the details of the calculations associated with a calculated adjustment. It only appears if the rate that calculated the adjustment amount created at least one calculation line. One row exists for every calculation involved in the process. This information is for audit purposes only and cannot be modified. The following information displays in the grid:
If at least one of the calculation lines has characteristics, Calc Line Char displays go to buttons, allowing you to go to characteristics that are linked to a specific adjustment calculation line. This column is only displayed if at least one of the calculation lines has characteristics.
Sequence is the system-assigned unique identifier of the calculation detail row.
Description on Bill is the information about the calculation line that appears on the customer's bill.
Calculated Amount is the calculated amount associated with the calculation line.
The Print switch controls whether information about this line will print on the customer's bill.
The Appears in Summary switch defines if this line's amount also appears on a summary line. This switch plays a part at bill print time - those lines that appear in a summary print in the left dollar column, those that don't appear in a summary print in the right dollar column.
Unit of Measure (UOM) is the unit of measure of the service quantity priced on the calculation line.
Time of Use (TOU) is the time-of-use code of the service quantity priced on the calculation line.
SQI is the service quantity identifier of the service quantity priced on the calculation line.
Billable Service Quantity is the service quantity priced on the calculation line. This quantity differs from the measured consumption if there are pre-processing calculation groups in effect.
Base Amount is used by calculation lines (e.g. taxes) that are cross-referenced to other calculation lines and whose value(s), therefore, depend on the amounts calculated by those other lines. The Base Amount shows the total amount derived from the cross-referenced line(s) that the current line then used to calculate its billed amount.
Rate Component Sequence refers to the sequence number of the rate component on the applicable rate version calculation group that was used to calculate the line. This is only populated if the original rate engine calculated the charges.
Calculation Rule is the rule that calculated the line. This is only populated if the new rate engine calculated the charges.
Measures Peak Qty is checked if the UOM priced on the calculation line is used to measure a peak quantity.
Exempt Amount is the amount of the calculated charge that the customer doesn't have to pay because they are tax exempt.
Distribution Code is the distribution code associated with the calculation line. This distribution code is used to build the general ledger details on the bill segment's financial transaction.
Description describes the characteristic value that was used when the line's amount was calculated. This information is only displayed if the line was calculated using a bill factor (because only bill factors use characteristic values). Refer to An Illustration Of A Bill Factor And Its Characteristics for more information.
For more information, refer to Calculated Adjustments .
The Adjustment Actions area contains buttons that you use to commit and cancel the adjustment's financial impact. The adjustment's status controls the button you can see and select. Refer to The Lifecycle Of An Adjustment for the details.
Please be aware that you can prevent specific types of adjustments from being frozen until the account's next bill is completed. Refer to Preventing SA Balances And The GL From Being Impacted Until Bill Completion for how to enable this feature on your adjustment types.
Cancel may not be enabled. The cancel button is not enabled if the adjustment is linked to a bill that is written off.
Canceling An Accounts Payable (A/P) Adjustment. If you need to cancel an A/P adjustment (i.e. an adjustment of an adjustment type that has an A/P request type) that has already been extracted by A/P, refer to How To Cancel An A/P Adjustment After It's Been Selected By A/P.