Collection Process - Events
The events page contains the activities that will be performed to persuade the customer to pay the outstanding debt. Open this page using Menu > Credit & Collection > Collection Process > Search and navigate to the Events page.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To Perform Common Collection Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this transaction.
We strongly recommend that you understand the information described in How Are Collection Events Completed? before using this page.
The number and type of events associated with a collection process are defined by the process's collection process template (which is defined on the first page). Refer to Setting Up Collection Process Templates for more information.
Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Collection Process is a concatenation of summary information about this collection process. It is composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the collection status, the reason code for the collection status, the collection class control name, and the creation date of the process.
ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this collection process.
The Collection Events scroll contains the collection events that comprise the collection process. Only one event is displayed at a time. The inner scroll controls the display of the customer contacts that were created by the system when a particular collection event was triggered.
Event Sequence is the unique identifier of the event.
Collection Event Status defines the state of the event. The following diagram shows the possible lifecycle of a collection event:
Collection events are initially created in the pending state.
When the system sees a pending event with a Trigger Date on or before the current date, the system executes the event's activity and completes the event.
You can cancel an individual collection event by setting the status to cancelled.
The Collection Event Type defines the event's activity (e.g., Email sent, a To Do entry is generated, a letter is sent).
For more information, refer to Setting Up Collection Process Templates.
The Trigger Date defines the date when the system completes (i.e., executes) the event.
For more information about a collection event's trigger date, see Collection Event Trigger Date.
If the status of the event is complete, the Completion Date is displayed with the date on which the system completes the event. If the status of the event is cancelled, the Canceled Date is displayed with the date on which the event was system canceled.
The Customer Contact information contains information when the event template causes a letter to be generated (because letters are created by customer contacts).