Collection Referral
The Collection Referrals page contains information about an account's debt that has been referred to a collection agency.
Refer to How Do Collection Agency Referrals Work? for more information about how the system creates and maintains collection agency referrals as part of the automated write off processing. In theory, you need only access this page if you need to override the automated processing.
Open Menu > Credit & Collection > Collection Agency Referral > Search to maintain this information.
Description of Page
The Agency Referrals scroll contains one entry for every collection agency referral associated with the account. The following information is defined for each referral.
Use Collection Agency to define the agency to which the referral is being sent.
Start Date is the date on which the referral was initially created.
Referral Status defines if the referral is Active or Closed.
Use Comments to describe anything unusual about the referral.
The grid contains the history of interactions with the collection agency. Each time an account's debt is referred to a collection agency, the system creates a referral history record.
You can communicate changes about the referral by inserting a new row in the collection. For example,
If you need to change the referral amount, insert a row and indicate the Creation Date and a Referral History Reason of Change Referral.
If you need to cancel the referral, insert a row and indicate a Referral History Reason of Referral Cancellation.
If the customer pays, insert a row and indicate a Referral History Reason of Referral Paid.
If you need to add a new referral, insert a row and indicate a Referral History Reason of Initial Referral.
Collection agency referral records are interfaced to the respective collection agency using the batch process defined on the collection agency control record (refer to Setting Up Collection Agencies). The Batch Control process and the respective Batch Number in which the records were interfaced to the collection agency are displayed adjacent.
The System Generated switch is on for those collection agency referrals created as part of the automated write-off processing. Refer to How Do Collection Agency Referrals Work? for more information.