How Are Collection Processes Created?
A collection process and its events may be created as follows:
The Account Debt Monitor is a background process that creates a collection process when an account violates your collection criteria. The collection process has one or more collection event(s). The collection process template associated with the collection process controls the number and type of events.
A user may create an ad hoc collection process at will. The collection process template controls the number and type of events linked to the collection process.
In the above diagram, the event on 1-Dec-99 shows the creation of a collection process with three collection events. Notice that the events all exist in the Pending state. The events will exist in this state until their trigger date is on or before the current date.
Refer to How Does The Account Debt Monitor Work? to understand how the system monitors overdue debt and initiates the appropriate collection process when a customer exceeds your debt tolerances. Refer to The Big Picture Of Collection Events for more information about a collection process' events.
When you enable the Control Central alert algorithm, C1-COLLPR-AC, an alert displays when an account has an active collection process. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.