How To Create A Collection Process
99.9% of all collection processes are created by the Account Debt Monitor and require no human intervention before they are executed (refer to How Are Collection Processes Created for information about how the account debt monitor creates collection processes). The other 0.1% are created by users on-line / real time. The following points describe how to create the 0.1%.
Use Control Central to choose the account that requires a new collection process.
After the account is populated on Control Central, choose the Collection Process > Add option on the account context menu to transfer to the collection process transaction in add mode.
After the Collection Process - Main page appears, specify the appropriate Collection Class Control. Collection Class Control defines the debt class (i.e., the type of debt) associated with the collection process. This is important as it controls which service agreements can be linked to the collection process (every service agreement is associated with a specific debt class). It's important to be aware that if an account's service agreements reference multiple debt classes, a collection process must be created for each debt class that you want to collect. Also be aware that a given debt class for an account may only have one ongoing collection process at any point in time.
Choose a Collection Process Template. Collection Process Template defines the collection events in the process. You can override these events on the Events page. For more information, refer to Setting Up Collection Process Templates.
Use Collection Amount Base Date to define the arrears cutoff date that the system uses when it "removes" a SA from a collection process. The system removes a SA from a collection process when its debt older than X is less than or equal to zero. X is the date specified in Collection Amount Base Date. You can have the system calculate this date for you by entering the age of the arrears in the field embedded in Calculate Date Using _​_​_​ Days In Arrears.
Navigate to the SAs page to define the specific service agreement's whose debt is covered by this collection process. You must define at least one service agreement.
Save the collection process.