Severance Process - Main Information
The Main page contains core severance process information. Open this page using Menu > Credit & Collection > Severance Process > Search.
The Description of Page section below describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To Perform Common Severance Process Functions for more instructions describing how to use this transaction.
Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Severance Process is a concatenation of summary information about this severance process. It is composed of the name of the main customer on the account, the division and SA type, and severance process template code, the process status, the reason code for the process status and the creation date of the process.
Severance Process ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this severance process.
The remaining fields are maintained on the main severance process page.
Service Agreement ID is the system-generated identifier of the service agreement to which the severance process is linked. Adjacent to the ID number is summary information about the SA.
Severance Status defines the state of the severance process. The following values may exist:
Active The system creates a severance process in the Active state. A severance process remains in this state until the last event linked to the process is complete OR the customer pays the collection amount associated with the severance process OR you want to stop the process for whatever reason. The Reason field tells you why a severance process is still in the active state.
Inactive A severance process becomes Inactive when the last event linked to the process is completed OR the customer pays the collection amount on the severance process OR you want to stop the process for whatever reason. The Reason field tells you how a severance process became inactive.
To completely understand the significance of a severance process' status, refer to The Lifecycle Of A Severance Process And Its Events.
Reason defines how a severance process became Inactive or why a severance process is Active. The following values may exist:
Canceled by User This reason should be used when a user manually inactivates a severance process (for whatever reason).
Canceled by System This reason is specified by the system when it cancels a severance process. The system automatically cancels a severance process when sufficient credits have been posted to the process' service agreement since the process was started.
Events Pending This reason is specified by the system when a process has pending events.
Completed This reason is specified by the system when it completes the last event linked to the severance process.
Severance Process Template defines the severance events in the process. You can override these events on the Severance Events page. If you change the template after events exist, the system will remove the existing events and replace them with the new template's events.
For more information, refer to Setting Up Severance Process Templates.
Create Date/Time defines the start date/time of the severance process. This is important as it affects the trigger dates of the process' severance events. This field becomes protected after the severance process exists on the database. If you need to change the trigger date on the events you can navigate to the Events tab and change the dates manually. Alternatively, you can perform the following "trick":
Change the Severance Process Template to something (anything). Doing this causes the Create Date/Time to become unprotected.
Specify the date of the first severance event in the newly unprotected Create Date/Time.
Change the Severance Process Template back to the desired value. When you change the template, the system removes the events and creates new ones using the Create Date/Time.
The Collection Amount is the amount of debt that initially triggered the severance process.
The Amount Still Owing is the amount of debt older than the Severance Amount Base Date.
The severance process cancellation logic will cancel a severance process when its SA's debt no longer exceeds a given amount (you define this threshold amount when you set up the system). Rather than compare a SA's total debt to the threshold amount, the cancellation logic compares the SA's debt that is older than X days to the threshold amount. X is the date specified in Severance Amount Base Date. You can have the system calculate this date for you by entering the age of the arrears in the field embedded in Calculate Date Using _​_​ Days In Arrears.
Enter any Comments about the severance process.
The tree at the bottom of the page shows a variety of information about the service agreement's account and the severance process including:
The events linked to the severance process.
The amount of debt associated with the account's debt classes.
A summary of other active severance activities (i.e., severance, severance and write-off processes) associated with the service agreement's account.