Write Off - Main
Most write-offs happen behind-the-scenes as part of the automated write-off processing. If you need to perform a partial write-off or cannot wait for the automated process, open Menu > Credit & Collection > Write Off > Search.
Refer to The Big Picture of Write Off Processing for background information about the write-off process.
Description of Page
Account contains the name of the main customer on the account. The Account ID is the account whose debt is being written off.
The Candidate SAs scroll contains one row for each of the account's service agreements that is eligible for write-off. The system displays the respective age and amount of each SA's debt. The accumulated total of all such debt appears in Write Off Amount. The checkbox adjacent to this field is used to confirm that you want to write-off the adjacent debt.
When you click the Create button, the system writes off the selected debt by executing the write-off algorithm that's plugged in on the account's customer class. Refer to The Ramifications of Write Offs in the General Ledger for an explanation of how the base-package algorithm (CCWO-DST) works.