GLASSIGN - Assign GL Account Numbers To GL Details
The GLASSIGN process assigns GL account numbers to the GL details associated with financial transactions. GL account numbers are assigned as follows:
Every GL detail references a distribution code.
Every distribution code references a GL assignment algorithm. The base package algorithm simply uses the default GL account associated with the distribution code. However, you can construct your own algorithm(s) to assemble your GL account numbers in your desired fashion. Refer to Setting Up Distribution Codes for more information about the GL format algorithm.
The GLASSIGN process simply calls each GL's details distribution code's GL assignment algorithm and updates the GL detail with the result (i.e., the GL account number). This GL account number is then used by the GLDL process when it creates the consolidated journal entry that's interfaced to the GL.
If incorrect GL account numbers get assigned to GL details... If you do not plug in the correct algorithm or your algorithm is wrong, you can correct the GL account numbers that are assigned to the GL details. How? Write a simple program that resets the GL account numbers on the erroneous GL details. Then run GLASSIGN. GLASSIGN will re-execute the distribution code GL assignment algorithm and refresh the account number accordingly.