Match Event - Main
A typical match event matches a bill's financial transactions with a payment's financial transactions. The Main page allows you to define the bill(s) and payment(s) whose financial transactions are matched together. Use Menu > Financial > Match Event > Search to open this page.
Debit must equal credits. Before a match event impacts a customer's arrearage, its debits and credits must net to zero for every service agreement referenced on the match event. Until that time, the financial transactions on a match event continue to affect arrearage. The only exception is the case of disputes.
You can match any debit and credit. While the above describes the matching of bills and payments, it's important to remember that a match event matches any type of debit with any type of credit. This means that a match event could match a bill with a credit or correction note, or a payment with a payment cancellation.
You can match any number of payments under a match event. While most match events deal with a single bill and a single payment, there's no limitation to the number of payments on a match event. The only restriction is that the debits and credits must net to zero for all service agreements.
It is better not to mix multiple bills on a single match event. For purposes of bill balance information, it is strongly recommended that you compose your match events with financial transactions limited to a single bill. If you mix financial transactions from multiple bills on a single match event you will not be able to determine the unpaid balance of a partially paid bill.
You can match specific financial transactions. While most match events deal with every financial transaction on a bill and payment, a match event can deal with individual financial transactions. For example, a match event could match a bill segment with a combination of a payment segment and a write-off adjustment. If you need to add or remove a specific financial transaction (i.e., a bill segment, payment segment, or adjustment), navigate to the FT Details tab. Perhaps a better way to differentiate between this page and the FT Details tab is to consider the example of a bill with 100 bill segments. When you link this bill to a match event, you are actually linking its 100 financial transactions. If you wanted to add only a subset of this bill's financial transactions to the match event, you'd use the FT Details tab.
Refer to How To for instructions describing how to perform common match event maintenance functions.
Description of Page
This page is used to maintain the financial transactions (FTs) that are linked to a match event. The remainder of this section defines each of the fields on the page.
Match Event Info and Match Event ID only appear after the match event exists on the database. The ID is a system assigned random number that stays with the match event for life. Match Event Info is a concatenation of important details about the match event and its account.
The next section contains the sum of the Debit and Credit financial transactions linked to the match event. If the debits and credits do not sum to zero, the Difference is also shown.
Account ID defines the account whose financial transactions are matched under this match event. This field is gray after the match event is added to the database.
Match Event Status defines the state of the match event.
Match events are initially created in the open state. Please note that you may delete an open match event.
The system automatically changes an open event's status to balanced when the sum of the Debit(s) equals the sum of the Credit(s)for each service agreement on the match event. It's worth stressing that a match event may contain financial transactions from many service agreements and each service agreement's financial transactions must sum to zero before the match event can become balanced.
You may re open a balanced event (by adding / removing items so that the match event becomes unbalanced).
You can cancel a balanced or open match event by changing the Match Event Status to cancelled. You must also define a Cancel Reason if you cancel a match event. Refer to How Are Match Events Cancelled? for more information about cancellation.
Turn on Dispute if this match event exists to designate certain financial transactions as disputed. In addition,
Describe the reason for the dispute in Remarks.
Link the disputed financial transactions to the match event by selecting the bill(s) below. If only a subset of a bill is disputed:
Click on the respective hyperlink in the Unmatched Debits column grid (this will transfer you to the next tab with these financial transactions displayed).
Select the bill segments that you want to designate as disputed.
Press the Link / Unlink button to link the selected bill segments to the match event.
Disputing items on a balanced event. The Dispute switch will be protected when the match event is Balanced or Cancelled. If the items on a balanced event are being disputed, you must add / remove items so that the match event becomes Open before you can turn on the Dispute switch.
The remainder of the page is dynamic depending on the Match Event Status:
If the status is Balanced or Open, a grid appears containing a summary of the bills, payments, credit or correction notes, and payment cancellations that contribute financial transactions to the match event (note, we refer to these collectively as "contributing objects" in the following discussion). The following columns appear in this grid:
Transaction Type defines whether the contributing object is a Bill, Payment, Payment Cancellation, or Credit or Correction Note. In the rare situation when unbilled financial transactions are linked to the match event, a transaction type of Not Billed Yet appears. If the contributing object is a bill its bill id is also displayed. If sequential bill functionality is enabled, the bill's sequential id is displayed instead.
Matched Activity Information contains summary information about the contributing object. This column is blank if the transaction type is Not Billed Yet.
The remaining columns contain the count and amount of each contributing object's financial transactions categorized as follows (note, you can drill down on the count or amount to see the specific financial transactions (FT's) on the next tab).
Matched Debits summarizes the contributing object's debit FT's that are linked to this match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If you select the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these debits will be removed from the match event.
Matched Credits summarizes the contributing object's credit FT's that are linked to this match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If you select the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these credits will be removed from the match event.
Other Debits summarizes the contributing object's debit FT's that are NOT linked to this match event.
Other Credits summarizes the contributing object's credit FT's that are NOT linked to this match event.
Adding more financial transactions to a balanced match event. When a match event is Balanced, the grid showing unmatched FT's is suppressed (and therefore you can't add additional FT's to the match event). To expose this grid, simply change the status of the match event to Open.
If the status is Open, a second grid appears containing a summary of the bills, payments, credit notes, correction notes and payment cancellations with at least one unmatched financial transaction (we refer to these collectively as "unmatched objects" in the following discussion). The following columns appear in this grid:
Transaction Type defines whether the unmatched object is a Bill, Payment, Payment Cancellation, Credit, or Correction Note. A transaction type of Not Billed Yet is used for unbilled financial transactions (e.g., adjustments generated between bills). If the unmatched object is a bill its bill id is also displayed. If sequential bill functionality is enabled, the bill's sequential id is displayed instead.
Unmatched Activity Information contains summary information about the unmatched object. This column is blank if the transaction type is Not Billed Yet.
The remaining columns contain the count and amount of each unmatched object's financial transactions categorized as follows (note, you can drill down on the count or amount to see the specific financial transactions (FT's) on the next tab).
Unmatched Debits summarizes the unmatched object's debit FT's that are not linked to any match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If you select the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these debits will be added to the match event.
Unmatched Credits summarizes the unmatched object's credit FT's that are not linked to any match event. A checkbox appears if the count is greater than zero. If you select the checkbox and press the Link / Unlink button, these credits will be added to the match event.
Matched Debits summarizes the unmatched object's debit FT's that are linked to any match event.
Matched Credits summarizes the unmatched object's credit FT's that are linked to any match event.
Credit Notes or Correction Notes. The Bill Correction option on the Installation record controls whether Credit Notes or Correction Notes are allowed. The default Transaction Type displayed is for Credit Note. If your implementation uses Correction Notes, you'll need to change the transaction type filter to reflect this. This is done by overriding the label for lookup value CRNT on the customizable lookup field TXN_​FLTR_​TYPE_​FLG.
The last section contains the running total of the Debit and Credit financial transactions that have been selected / unselected in the above grids. If debits and credits do not sum to zero, the Difference is also shown. These values differ from the values on the top of the page as they are updated when a user selects / unselects an object (whereas the values at the top of the page are only updated when the database is changed).
The Link / Unlink button becomes enabled when you select an object in the grids. When you press this button, the financial transactions related to the object are added to / removed from the match event.