Contract Option Event Maintenance
Contract option events record the event of a contract option, including its effective period and any characteristic values related to the event. Open Menu > Interval Billing > Contract Option Event > Search to maintain event data.
This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.
Description of Page
The Contract Option Event ID is a system-assigned random number.
Indicate the Contract Option ID to which this event is linked.
Indicate the Contract Option Event Type for this event.
The Start Date/Time and End Date/Time of the contract option event represent when this event is effective. These are considered logical date/times and follow the seasonal time shifting as defined on the contract option type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
The Status indicates the status of the contract option event. Use the Freeze button to change the status of the record from Pending to Frozen. Use the Cancel button to change the status of the record from Frozen to Canceled.
Any change in status causes the appropriate validation algorithm on the contract option event type, if any, to be executed.
When the pending or frozen validation algorithms find an error, the status of the record is changed to Error and an exception record is created. If the cancel validation algorithm finds an error, the error message is displayed to the user. No exception record is created.
Refer to Lifecycle of Contract Option Events for more information.
The Status Date/Time indicates when the record's status changed to its current value. Algorithms that process these events use this information to determine whether the status change affects their processing. For example, if the status is Canceled and the status date/time is more recent than the last time the algorithm processed the events, the algorithm may need to reverse the effect of this event. This date/time is considered a server date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on the base time zone.
Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
The characteristic collection is used to indicate additional information related to your contract option event.
You can only choose characteristic types defined as permissible on the contract option event record. Refer to Setting Up Characteristic Types & Their Values for more information.
To modify a characteristic, move to a field and change its value. To add a new characteristic, click + to insert a row then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:
Characteristic Type Indicate the type of characteristic.
Characteristic Value Indicate the value of the characteristic.