Interval Channels and Index Channels
Channel is a term often used for devices that may store data for complex metering customers. A physical channel may contain interval data or index readings:
Index channels are a collection of time-of-use readings.
The information is often considered more accurate than interval data.
Index Channels are typically set up as a meter, where each register in the meter configuration represents a time of use code. Refer to The Structure Of A Meter for more information.
Interval channels contain collections of interval data. This interval data follows the same logic as interval profile data. Refer to Interval Quantities are Stored in Data Sets, Fixing Errors with Complete Data Sets and Algorithms Find the Most Up To Date Data for more information. An interval channel is set up as a register that is marked as "interval". Interval register data may be linked to this interval register.
Your setup of meters, meter configurations, and registers is very flexible:
The meter in the system doesn't have to represent a physical meter.
The meter represents a single channel or a collection of channels.
Any of the following meter configurations are possible:
A single interval channel
Multiple interval channels
A collection of TOUs for an index channel
A combination of interval registers and TOUs for an index channel
Refer to Maintaining Meter Configurations for more topics related to meter configurations.
In Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing, the term "channel" is only used for the Channel ID on the register, which is used as an external ID. In the system, you will use meters, meter configurations and registers to model your channels.
No special logic is required for index channels. The reads for the time of use collection for an index channel require the same logic that exists for standard non-interval registers.