Interval Quantities are Stored in Data Sets
Interval data in the system may have many different origins.
It may be contract-related data that is set up at the beginning of the contract or contract year.
It may be data that is periodically interfaced from an external source.
It may be data that is derived and created through a system algorithm.
Regardless of the origin of the data, all data has similar characteristics:
Data is received by the system or created by the system periodically. The system stores whatever new data needs to be stored.
The period represented by the batch of new data is variable.
New data may be an update to previously received data.
The system accepts the new batches of data for a given profile and stores the data grouped together by a data set.
There are two effective dates referenced in the interval pricing information: Set Date/Time and Interval Value Date/Time. Think of the Set Date/Time as the effective date of the entire set of interval data. Think of Interval Date/Time as the effective date of the associated piece of data.
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up To Date Data for information about processing this data.