Override Maps - Typical Business Flow
Once all the control table data is set and the customer's service agreement has been activated and the standard classic TOU map data for the customer has been generated, here is what typically happens in the course of a month:
The customer's measured data is received periodically and interfaced into the system.
If any special override days occur, a new contract option event is created for the contract option.
The classic TOU map creation algorithm runs periodically and it generates new TOU data sets with the TOU Codes and time period definitions as defined above for the interruption days.
When billing executes, the TOU Mapping, done during rate application, obtains the most up to date classic TOU map data for each interval. This way, if any special interruption data exists, the measured usage for that day is mapped correctly into the interruption TOUs. Otherwise, the data is mapped to the standard TOUs.
The correct prices for each time of use period are applied.