TOU Data Maintenance
The TOU Data page is used to create and maintain collections of time period definitions, grouped together by a data set, for a given classic TOU Map. Open Menu > Interval Billing > TOU Data > Search to maintain TOU data.
This page is only available if the Complex Billing module is not turned off.
Description of Page
TOU Data Set is a concatenation of important information about the data set. The TOU Data Set ID is a system-assigned random number.
Indicate the TOU Map ID to which this data set is linked.
The Owner SA indicates the SA that "owns" this data. This information is only populated for SA owned TOU maps. This field is useful if the data set you are viewing contains an error and the error is related to a different source data linked to the service agreement. You may use the context button to quickly navigate to the service agreement to view other interval entities related to the service agreement. Refer to how to correct a TOU data set in error for more information.
The Set Date/Time of the TOU Data Set represent when this collection of data was entered or received. This is considered a server date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on the base time zone. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
Refer to Algorithms Find the Most Up-To-Date Data for more information about the Set Date/Time and its use in algorithms.
The Data Set Type is available for classification of the data set in some way. The value currently available with the system is No Data. Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information about using this data set type.
The values for Data Set Type are customizable using the lookup table. This field name is TOU_​DS_​TYPE_​FLG.
The Status indicates the status of the TOU data set. Click Cancel DS to cancel an Error data set.
Refer to Lifecycle of TOU Data for more information about interval data set status.
Use the Revert button to reverse the effect of a Complete data set.
Refer to Fixing Errors with Complete Data for more information.
Use the Start Date/Time to indicate the starting point for the display of the interval data.
At least one TOU data record must exist in the collection of TOU time period definitions. For each TOU data record, the TOU Data Date/Time and the Time of Use code are captured. This date is considered a logical date and follows the seasonal time shifting as defined on the classic TOU map type. Refer to Seasonal Time Shifts for more information.
If the data set is in Error status, a Message that provides the error information is displayed below the TOU data collection.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the classic TOU map type, the Seasonal Time Shift associated with your classic TOU map type is displayed. Refer to Setting Up Classic TOU Map Types for more information.
If seasonal time shift records are linked to both the base time zone and the classic TOU map type, the Seasonal Time Shift Remark indicates whether the data is displayed and should be entered in legal time or standard time. Refer to Interval Time Display for more information. If the data is displayed in legal time use the Show in Standard button to toggle to standard time. If the data is displayed in standard time use the Show in Legal button to toggle to legal time. If either the classic TOU map type or the base time zone do not indicate a seasonal time shift record, the toggle button is not visible and data is displayed and expected in standard time.