Classic TOU Map - Generate
The classic TOU Map Template dialog opens when you click Generate on the classic TOU map page:
Description of Page
Indicate the classic TOU Map Template that you want the system to use as your template for the new data.
The Set Date/Time is used for the set date/time on the newly created data set.
Indicate the Data Set Type, if applicable.
Indicate the first TOU interval to create by entering the Start Date/Time to use for creating the TOU data. Enter either the End Date/Time or a value in Recurring Patterns to indicate how much data the system should generate.
The holiday fields indicate if and how the system should handle holidays differently from standard days.
Holiday Template This is the daily template to use for all holiday days in the period, instead of the classic TOU map template entered above. Notice that a single daily Holiday template is used for the period you're generating data for. In other words, the system assumes all holiday days to have the same TOU pattern, i.e. template, throughout the period. If you need to use different TOU patterns for different holiday days you would need to generate data in several steps.
Holiday Shift in Minutes If the time period covered by a holiday is not 12AM to 12AM, indicate the number of minutes, positive or negative, to shift the holiday. For example, if the holiday is considered 7pm on the eve of the holiday until 7pm on the day of the holiday, enter -300 (i.e. 5 hours) for the shift in minutes.
Calendar This is the Calendar where the holidays applicable for this time period are defined.
When you click the Generate button, the system creates a new classic TOU map data set for this classic TOU map based on the information provided.
The Seasonal Time Shift associated with the classic TOU map type is displayed.
In the Seasonal Time Shift Remark, you are reminded that the system expects that the values you enter for the date and time are in local legal time as defined by your classic TOU map type.
The times on the classic TOU map components are in legal time. During this generation process the system converts the time definitions into standard time, taking daylight savings into account. Time shifting is based upon the Seasonal Time Shift defined on the template's classic TOU map type. Refer to Time Zone and Time Changes for more information.