Technical Implementation Of Online Statement Display
Users can view an image of any statement if you setup the following:
Plug-in an Online Statement Display algorithm on the Installation Record. Refer to ONSD-ST for an example of such an algorithm. Note, if your statement print software is not capable of producing a PDF containing an image of a statement, users will not be able to view images of statements.
Plug-in the appropriate extract algorithm on each statement route type. Algorithms of this type format the records that contain the information that is passed to your printing software. Refer to STEX-TX for an example of such an algorithm.
When you plug-in these algorithms, a button appears on Statement - Main. When a user presses this button, the following takes place:
The installation record's Online Statement Display algorithm is executed.
This algorithm calls the statement's route type's extract algorithm. This algorithm constructs the information that's merged onto the statement and returns it to the Online Statement Display algorithm. This algorithm, in turn, passes it to your statement print software.
Your statement print software renders an image of the statement in a PDF and returns it to the Online Statement Display algorithm.
And finally, the Online Statement Display algorithm displays the PDF in a separate Adobe session.