The Big Picture of Complex Statements
Statements allow you to set up a person to receive a consolidated report of the financial activity for one or more accounts and/or service agreements. This allows you to model complex account scenarios, including the following examples.
Satellite offices for a company are each responsible for paying their own bill, but the head office would like a consolidated report of the bills for all the satellite offices once a month. In this case, each satellite office is set up as an account covering the services for their office. The head office does not want to receive individual copies of each bill, but rather a consolidated report of the financial activity for all the offices.
The head office is responsible for paying the bill. The satellite offices should receive a copy of only their portion of the bill. In this case, a service agreement is set up for each satellite office under the head office's account. Each satellite office should receive a copy of the bill segment information for their office's service agreement.
The head office is responsible for paying the bill. Multiple departments need to see copies of the electric portion of the bill. As illustrated by this scenario, a service agreement or account may appear on many statements.
The topics in this section provide additional information about how to set up statements.