Activating, Deleting, and Discarding Leads for an Initiative in Bulk
Use the following procedure to activate, delete or discard leads for an initiative.
1. Select Menu > Sales & Marketing > Initiative > Search
2. Enter your search criteria in the Initiative Query zone.
3. Click Refresh.
4. In the search results list, click the link for the initiative you want to maintain.
The selected initiative opens in the Initiative portal.
5. Scroll, as needed, to the Lead Processing zone.
6. To activate, delete or discard leads for the initiative, click Lead Disposition. This allows a batch job to be submitted for the activation, deletion or discarding of leads.
Select the Pending Lead Disposition to indicate the action to take on pending leads. The possible actions are: Activate (pending leads), Delete (in case of erroneous generation), Ignore.
Select the Active Lead Disposition to indicate to action to take on active leads. The possible actions Ignore and Discard.
Select the Discard Reason to be used for any active leads that get discarded. The values are maintained on the Status Reason control table.
Specify the Email Address. You may optionally specify an email address if you want to be informed when the batch job completes
7. Click OK.