Bulk Creation of Leads
Use this procedure to create leads in bulk.
1. Select Menu > Sales & Marketing > Initiative > Search
2. Enter your search criteria in the Initiative Query zone.
3. Click Refresh.
4. In the search results list, click the link for the initiative you want to maintain.
The selected initiative opens in the Initiative portal.
5. To create leads for the initiative, click Lead Generation on the Lead Generation and Disposition zone. This zone is displayed for initiatives in the active state, can have leads and allows a batch job to be submitted for the creation of leads.
Select the Lead Status to leave the created leads in. Valid values are Pending or Active. Creating leads in a pending state allows a user to confirm the lead population prior to activating these leads
Specify the Number of Leads to Generate. This may be used to create a sample set of leads to test the initiative’s eligibility criteria.
Specify the Email Address. You may optionally specify an email address if you want to be informed when the batch job completes
6. Click OK.