Campaign - Algorithms
This page defines plug-in algorithms that are executed for orders associated with this campaign. Open this page using Menu > Sales & Marketing > Campaign > Search and navigate to the Algorithms page.
Description of Page
Campaign is the user-defined code that uniquely identifies the campaign. The campaign's description appears adjacent.
The grid contains Algorithms that control campaign-oriented functions. You must define the following for each plug-in algorithm:
Specify the System Event with which the algorithm is associated (see the table that follows for a description of all possible events).
Specify the Sequence and Algorithm for each System Event. You can set the Sequence Number to 10 unless you have a System Event that has multiple Algorithms. In this case, you need to tell the system the Sequence in which they should execute.
You can define algorithms for the following System Events:
System Event
Optional / Required
Campaign Eligibility
A campaign's eligibility algorithms control two things:
- Whether the campaign appears in the Applicable Campaigns Zone. This content zone suggests possible campaigns for the current customer displayed on control central. You might want to use this zone if you have different campaigns that are offered to different types of customers. Refer to Real-time Marketing of Additional Services to a Customer for an example of how this content zone can be used to "up sell" additional services.
- Whether the campaign appears on an order's eligibility tree. Campaigns that appear in this tree are alternate campaigns that may be used on an order. Refer to Real-time Marketing of Services to a Prospect for an example of how an order's eligibility tree can contain alternate campaigns for an order.
Refer to The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility for information about these algorithms.
Order Completion
When an order is completed for this campaign, algorithms plugged into this spot are called to do additional work (e.g., create a customer contact). You need only specify this type of algorithm if you require additional work to be performed when an order is completed for this campaign.