Creating Initiatives
Use this procedure to create a new Initiative.
1. Select Menu > Sales & Marketing > Initiative > Add.
2. Select the business object that will define the initiative and click OK.
3. Enter the initiative’s name, (short) description, detailed description, start date, and end date.
4. Specify if the initiative is a master or a subsidiary initiative.
a. If the initiative is a Subsidiary Initiative, search for and select the initiative that is the parent to this initiative.
5. Specify whether the master initiative will participate in demand-side analytics processing through Contract Option Participation Analysis.
6. Specify whether or not leads can be generated for the initiative.
a. If leads can be generated, complete the options regarding communication channel and related object creation.
7. In the Third Party Notification section, specify the Lead Event Type to use to notify a third party. This lead event type is used when creating a third party notification lead event, if applicable, when a customer signs up or enrolls into a program.
8. In the Lead Reassignment Notification section, indicate how the system should respond if a lead is reassigned to another sales representative.
9. In the Statistics Notification section, specify how often, in hours, the statistics for the initiative should be updated.
A background process accumulates the statistics for an initiative when enough time has elapsed since the statistics were last updated. A user may also manually initiate the process to update the statistics for an initiative.
10. If this initiative will have leads, add lead event types in the Lead Event Type Profile section to define the events or actions that will occur during the lifetime of the lead to encourage the customer to participate in the initiative. To add lead event types in the Lead Event Type Profile section:
a. Assign an Event Sequence to each list entry.
b. Search for and select a Lead Event Type to indicate the type of lead event to generate for each list entry (for example send customer an email or create a customer contact).
c. Specify the number of Days After Lead Creation that the related lead event will be triggered.
11. Click Save.