Determine Additional Information That Is Required If A Package Is Selected
During this step, you determine if there's any information that needs to be created when a package is selected that can't be defaulted from its start option. In our example campaign, package 4 (the Multi-Family Home package), also needs to know the number of housing units at the premise (this information is probably needed to calculate a specific charge in the rate). None of the other packages require additional information. The extra field has been appended to our miscellaneous field table.
Misc. Field
Where Stored
Why Is It Needed
Date of birth
Person characteristic
Numerous eligibility rules use this field to determine if a customer is a senior citizen
Type of Residence
Premise characteristic
Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for a package
Type of Heat
Premise characteristic
Numerous eligibility rules use this field to qualify a customer for a package
Number of Units in House
Premise characteristic
The electric SA created by package 4 requires the number of units when it calculates the ongoing bill segments