Determine How The Campaign Behaves
The final step before you're ready to setup the campaign involves defining a variety of behavioral functions as described below:
You need to define how the campaign uses accounts and premises. Specifically, on a campaign you define if an account / premise is required / optional / not allowed on its orders. In addition, if an account / premise is required or optional, you can control whether new accounts / premises can be created when an order is completed (the alternative is to force each order to use an existing account / premise). These controls prevent the unwanted proliferation of new accounts and premises for campaigns that are targeted at existing accounts and premises.
Many fields on an order (e.g., phone type, customer class, division, account management group) can be defaulted on orders created for new customers. You will see these fields on Order - Main. Think about each such field and whether a default value is appropriate. Keep in mind that the order taker can override any of these default values.
An order taker can indicate that they want to hold an order if they need to do further research before continuing with an order. A background process (TD-ECBK) will create a To Do entry for held orders as a reminder to get back in touch with the customer on a future date. You can define the default To Do role assigned to such To Do entries when you create a campaign. Keep in mind that this value can be overridden when the order taker holds an order.
You can indicate on a campaign the transaction to which the user should be transferred when orders are completed. Refer to Supported Business Processes for examples of how you might want to use this field.