Examples of Campaigns and Packages
The topics that follow provide examples of campaigns and packages that support several different scenarios. Your organization's campaigns and packages may differ markedly from these examples. Factors that will influence your sales and marketing objects include:
Whether the type of goods and services marketed to your customers / prospects differs depending on some trait of the customer or the region in which they are located. For example,
Your company may have very straightforward packages that only differ based on whether the customer is industrial, residential or commercial. If this describes your company, the setup process will be simple.
Alternatively, your company might offer different packages to residential customers based on whether they pay automatically, whether the customer is a senior citizen, whether they purchase multiple services from you, etc. If this describes your company, then you'll have to define the various eligibility criteria and the respective packages applicable to customers who satisfy each criterion.
Whether premises exist prior to order taking. For example, a company that distributes a commodity has a well-defined geographic area and therefore new premises typically don't arise when orders are taken.
Whether your company offers many different types of goods and services.
Whether your rates have charges / discounts that are only applied to some customers. For example, you might have discounts that are applied if the customer is a senior citizen or an employee.
Which of the Supported Business Processes you implement.
Use the information that follows to form an intuitive understanding of campaigns and packages. After attaining this understanding, you'll be ready to design your own campaigns and packages.