Initiatives Lead Event Type Summary
By clicking on one of the broadcast items in the Initiative Lead Summary zone, the Initiative Lead Event Type Summary zone is displayed. If the representative is a group, lead events are accumulated for all individuals in the group. The summary spans the 14 day period on/after the Start Date which defaults to current date if blank. If you want to specify the start date, click Refresh to update the zone.
The following is displayed in the result set:
The Event Count shows the total number of events for a specific Event Type on each day within the 14 day period. You can click on the broadcast icon to see a list of events for the Event Date and Event Type on the Initiative Lead Events zone.
The Event Status bar provides a breakdown of the total event count by status. Each color segment shown represents a different event status for pending, completed and canceled events. Colors used are defined on the program management master configuration.
Hover the mouse pointer over a segment of the bar to see the respective count and status represented by the segment.
Click on a segment of the bar to broadcast the event date, event type and event status. Broadcasting from the event status bar instead of the broadcast icon will limit the Initiative Lead Events zone to a particular status.