Order - Main - Account Information
The Account Information section contains account-oriented information.
This page contains a subset of account-oriented information. If you need to define other account-oriented information, transfer to Account - Main after the order is completed.
Whether or not an account is required or even allowed on an order is controlled by an option on the Campaign. If the Campaign disallows the use of an account, this section will be suppressed. If the Campaign allows the use of an account, an indication of whether an account is optional or required is displayed adjacent to Account Information.
If an account is allowed on the order, use the dropdown at the top of this section to tell the system about this order's account:
Select No Account Information if you do not want to associate an account with this order (e.g., for a person-oriented marketing survey).
Select Create New Account if this is a new account. You should enter the new account's information in the remaining fields in this section.
Select Use Existing Account if an existing account should be used on the order. If an existing person was selected above, one of the person's accounts (if any) will be automatically displayed in the Account Information. In addition, if the order references an existing person, the account search will be limited to accounts associated with this person. If an Existing Account is selected, the following takes place:
Basic information about the account appears beneath the search area (and the account context menu can now be used to drill down to account-oriented pages).
If any of the Questions & Misc Fields on the next tab are used to capture account-oriented characteristics, the account's existing characteristic values are defaulted.
Information about the account is displayed in the fields that follow.
If you have set the Installation Option CIS Division Control flag, you must define the new account's CIS Division. The values are restricted to the user’s CIS Division(s). See Users and CIS Division for more information. The value is defaulted to user’s primary CIS Division.
Customer Class plays a part in:
If and when a customer is subject to late payment charges.
The account's default collection class and when the account debt monitor reviews an account. Refer to The Big Picture of Credit & Collections for more information about how and when an account's debt is reviewed.
And several other functions. Refer to and Setting Up Customer Classes for more information.
Default note. For new accounts, the Campaign can default the Customer Class. If the campaign does not define a customer class, it can be defaulted from the CIS Division, if shown, or installation options.
The optional Account Management Group controls the roles assigned to To Do entries associated with an account. Refer to Setting Up Account Management Groups for more information.
Default note. For new accounts, Management Group defaults based on the Campaign.
The remaining fields are used to describe how the bill should be routed to the customer.
When an order is completed, several fields that do not appear on this page that reside on Account - Person are populated. For example, Account Relationship Type, Bill Format, Number of Copies, Receives Notification are all populated with default values. If you need to override the default values, transfer to Account - Person after the account is added.
Use Bill Route Type to define how the bill is sent to the customer. This field's value defaults from the Installation Record. This value is important as it controls many options on the remainder of this page. If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are routed via Fax, the person's fax number is displayed adjacent (the system knows which of a person's phone numbers is a fax number by the Phone Type). If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are routed via Email, the person's Email address is displayed adjacent. If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are routed via the Postal service, you must choose an appropriate Address Source to define which address should be used. Refer to Setting Up Bill Route Types for more information about bill route types.
If the Bill Route Type indicates that bills are routed via the Postal service, you must choose the appropriate Address Source to define which address should be used.
Choose Mailing Premise on Account if bills should be sent to the address associated with the Mailing Premise on the first page. This address is displayed adjacent.
Choose Person if bills should be sent to the person's mailing address . This address is displayed adjacent.
Choose Account Override if bills should be sent to an override address specified below. Typically, you would only choose this option if the person has multiple accounts and each account's bills should be sent to a different address.
If you select a Address Source of Account Override , you must enter the address to which bills will be sent in the following address constituents. The number and type of address constituents is based on the Country (refer to Defining Countries for more information on address constituents). These fields will be protected for other Address Sources. Note, the Country defaults from Installation Options - System and several other constituents default based on the Country and Postal if a Postal Default exists for the postal code.
By default, the Address Source field is protected on Order – Main page if the Bill Route Type is set to a value other than Postal. To enable the Address Source field for all Bill Route Types in most circumstances, set the Always Enable Address Source option type on the General System Configuration feature configuration to Y.
Regardless of the Always Enable Address Source option value, Address Source and Address Information are displayed but both are disabled when Bill Routing Method is Not Postal and Quote Routing Method (on Account – Persons page) is Postal . A message “The Main Person receives Quotes at this address. To edit it, go to the 'Persons' tab on the Account.” is displayed next to the Address Source.