Order - Package Confirmation
The Package Confirmation page allows you to check the package you selected before the V is created / updated for the customer. This page opens when you select a package from the eligibility tree on Order - Questions & Misc Fields.
If you press the Complete button, a variety of objects may be created (service agreements, service points, a premise, an account, field activities, etc.). If you need to change any of these objects after order completion, you must transfer to the respective page on which the object is maintained. You can also use Start/Stop to make changes to the service agreements created by this transaction.
Description of Page
Order contains a concatenation of basic information about the order. Order ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the order. These values only appear after the order is added to the database.
Campaign contains basic information about the order's campaign.
Package contains basic information about the package.
Premise is the address at which service will be delivered.
Person is the name of the customer.
Account is the name of the customer and their customer class.
Start Date contains the date on which the service agreement's created by the order will be started.
The Questions & Misc Fields grid contains the questions and miscellaneous fields that appeared on the order. Note well, it is possible to design a campaign and a package where some fields are optional on the campaign but required for a specific package. The Response of all required fields for the selected package are prefixed with an asterisk. Refer to Order - Questions & Misc Fields for information about the rows in this grid.
Changing your answers could cause the package to become ineligible. As described earlier, the fields you enter on an order play are what the system uses to determine if a package can be selected for a customer. If you change the answers to the Questions & Misc Fields, the package may no longer be eligible and an error will be presented to you. You will have the choice of reverting to the original answers or returning to the order page where you can select an eligible package.
Additional questions / misc fields are possible. It is possible to design a campaign where certain field values are only visible on specific packages. In this scenario, the Questions & Misc Fields grid may contain additional rows for a given package. Refer to Designing Campaigns and Packages for more information.
The Instructions grid contains package-specific suggestions. These instructions are defined on the package.
The Messages grid contains system-generated messages that summarize what will happen if you press the Complete button.
Press the Complete Order button if you are satisfied with the information on the order. Otherwise, press Do Not Use this Package to change or cancel the order.