Packages Limited By Current State Of Service
Assume your organization has a campaign with several packages. Each package has the following restrictions in respect of its use:
"Package 1" can be offered to residential customers in California who have gas service, but don't have electric service.
"Package 2" can be offered to residential customers in California who have electric service, but don't have gas service.
"Package 3" can be offered to residential customers in California who have neither electric nor gas service.
The following diagram illustrates how such a campaign might look:
The topics that follow describe the campaign and packages used to support this scenario. We'll start by explaining each package. Then we'll describe how the campaign will be setup. This seems backwards, but it mirrors how you should design this type of campaign:
Has Gas / No Electricity Package
Has Electricity / No Gas Package
No Electricity / No Gas Package
Has Gas / No Electricity Package
The package that is offered to customers that currently have gas service, but don't have electricity service has the following traits:
It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:
Customer has gas service
Customer doesn't have electricity service
Refer to A Package With Service Type Comparisons for more information.
We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore there's just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information used to create this service agreement:
The SA Type is one that's used for an electric residential service agreement (hence the E-RES SA type).
The SA Type's Start Option is one that will setup the service agreement with the appropriate rate and contract options.
The service agreement needs to be linked to an electric residential service point (hence the E-RES SP type).
We've indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an example of such an algorithm (type).
We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is because this package doesn't have additional questions or additional fields.
Has Electricity / No Gas Package
The package that is offered to customers that currently have electric service, but don't have gas service has the following traits:
It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:
Customer has electric service
Customer doesn't have gas service
We only need a single service agreement created if the package is selected and therefore there's just one entry in SAs To Create. Please note the following about the information used to create this service agreement:
The SA Type is one that's used for a gas residential service agreement (hence the G-RES SA type).
The SA Type's Start Option is one that will setup the service agreement with the appropriate rate and contract options.
The service agreement needs to be linked to a gas residential service point (hence the G-RES SP type).
We've indicated a Start Algorithm of Start SP Service. Refer to STRM-VT for an example of such an algorithm (type).
We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is because this package doesn't have additional questions or additional fields.
No Electricity / No Gas Package
The package that is offered to customers that don't currently have electricity or gas service has the following traits:
It has eligibility rules that restrict its use to customers who meet the following criteria:
Customer doesn't have electric service
Customer doesn't have gas service
We need two service agreements created (one for electricity, one for gas).
We have not shown additional questions or miscellaneous fields in this package. This is because this package doesn't have additional questions or additional fields.