Rate Check Results - Calc Lines
After you have pressed the Check Rate button on the Main page, you will be transferred to the Calc Lines tab to view the lines that have been calculated by your rate.
Description of Page
The Rate Schedule and its description, the Revenue Class and its description and the Bill Period are displayed at the top.
More than one Rate Version may have been effective for the primary Rate Schedule (and any applicable sub rates) during this bill period. If so, multiple collections of calculation lines will be produced. Use the Bill Seg Hdr scroll to view each collection of calculation lines.
For each Bill Seg Hdr, the following information will be displayed above the calculation line grid.
Sequence This identifies which Bill Seg Hdr is being displayed.
Start Date, End Date This is the period, within the bill period, that the rate version, which produced these lines, was effective.
Amount This is the total amount calculated by this group of calculation lines.
Desc on Bill The description on bill for the rate version that produced these lines.
Rate Version The rate version that was used to produce these lines.
The grid, which displays the bill calculation lines for this rate version, shows one row exists for every calculation involved in this process. This information is very similar to what is displayed on the bill calculation lines page for a bill segment. The following information is displayed in the grid:
Sequence is the system-assigned unique identifier of the calculation detail row.
Description on Bill is the information about the bill line that appears on the customer's bill.
Calculated Amount is the calculated amount associated with the bill line.
The Print switch controls whether information about this line will print on the customer's bill.
The App in Summary switch defines if this line's amount also appears on a summary line. This switch is turned on if the corresponding rate component is summarized on a summary rate component.
UOM is the unit of measure of the service quantity priced on the calculation line.
TOU is the time-of-use code of the service quantity priced on the calculation line.
SQI is the service quantity identifier of the service quantity priced on the calculation line.
Billable Service Quantity is the service quantity priced on the calculation line. This quantity will be different from the measured consumption is there are SQ rules or register rules in effect.
Base Amount is used by calculation lines (e.g. taxes) that are cross-referenced to other calculation lines and whose value(s), therefore, depend on the amounts calculated by those other lines. The Base Amount shows the total amount derived from the cross-referenced line(s) that the current line then used to calculate its billed amount.
Sequence refers to the sequence number of the rate component on the applicable rate version that was used to calculate the line.
Meas Peak Qty is checked if the UOM priced on the calculation line is used to measure a peak quantity.
Exempt Amount is the amount of the calculated charge that the customer doesn't have to pay because they are tax exempt. This will only be calculated if you have provided an SA ID on the main page.
Distribution Code is the distribution code associated with the calculation line. This distribution code is used to build the general ledger details on the bill segment's financial transaction.