Rate Version - Bill Print Info
This page allows you to maintain the bill print information for all of the rate version's rate components. Note, you can also maintain this information for individual rate components on Rate Component - Main.
Description of Page
The grid contains an entry for each rate component linked to the rate version. The following information is displayed in the grid:
Sequence uniquely identifies the rate component. It also controls the order in which the rate component is processed when the rate version is processed by billing.
Description is the rate component's description.
Description on Bill is the verbiage that appears on the bill line generated for this rate component. You can dynamically substitute variables into this description (such as, price and quantity) when billing calculates the rate component's charges. Refer to How To Use Description on Bill for a discussion of the substitution variables.
Turn on the Print switch if you want the bill line to appear on the customer's bill.
Some bill lines don't print. You may wonder why we give you the ability to not print a bill line. The reason is because ALL bill lines are shown on Bill Segment - Calculation Details. However, only those lines marked as Print are presented to the customer. This way, if you want to suppress some calculation details, you can, but still show the details to the customer service rep.
The Print If Zero switch is only enabled if the Print switch is turned on. It allows you to indicate if a bill line should print when the bill line's value is zero:
Turn this switch on if the bill line should print when the calculated value is zero.
Turn this switch off if the bill line should not print when the calculated value is zero.
The rate component results in the creation of a bill segment calculation line, but an indicator exists to tell the extract program that this should not be included. This is true, except in the following cases when the system does not create a zero bill segment calculation line:
Apply To rate components where the cross-referenced amount is zero
Summary, Minimum, Maximum and Exact Charge rate components that do not apply.
Stepped rate components where both the low and high boundaries equal zero.