Proposal SAs Contain Billing Scenarios And Template Consumption
In addition to the pricing terms and the legal terms and conditions, a proposal SA also contains billing scenarios. A billing scenario defines:
The number of simulated bill segments that will be generated when a quote detail is produced for the proposal SA.
The bill period of each simulated bill segment.
The amount of consumption to be priced under each simulated bill segment. Note this statement is only true for non-interval consumption. Refer to Proposal SAs And Interval Consumption for a description of how interval consumption is defined on a proposal SA.
A proposal SA's billing scenarios can be created as follows:
A plug-in spot exists on SA type called Proposal SA Creation. Algorithms plugged into this spot can setup billing scenarios. Refer to Enabling The Automatic Generation Of Billing Scenarios for more information about how to do this.
A user can add / change / delete billing scenarios on a proposal SA using Service Agreement - Billing Scenario.
You could design a workflow process to initiate a request to the customer to send their template consumption to you. When the customer sends this information to you (via a notification), the proposal SA's billing scenarios can be setup. Refer to Workflow and Notifications for more information.