Tinkering With Proposal SAs After Quote Generation
The system allows a quotable proposal SA to be changed, EVEN IF QUOTE DETAILS HAVE BEEN GENERATED. This is intentional as otherwise you would have to create an entirely new proposal SA if you wanted to send another quote for slightly different terms. Your technical team could always introduce a user exit to prevent this from happening if you really didn't want this to take place.
Because the system allows this, a potential issue is that the customer may end up accepting a proposal SA that differs from the terms on their quote (e.g., you could change the SA after the quote detail is generated). For this reason, we snapshot the version number of the proposal SA on the quote detail at the time it's generated. If a proposal SA is accepted and its version number differs from the value on its quote details, a warning is produced.
A warning is also issued if you change a proposal SA and a quote detail exists (reminding you to generate a new quote / quote detail).
In addition to the above, it's also important to understand that the system intentionally allows multiple quotes to reference a given proposal SA. This allows you to leave multiple quotes open that reference the same proposal SA(s).