Events May Indicate a Subcategory
For some types of memberships, the amount of each event is further grouped by a subcategory. This is common for capital credit memberships where multiple capital credit allocations are calculated. For example, each year, you may calculate allocations for generation and for transmission. Events for memberships of this type must indicate a subcategory.
Cooperatives that allocate capital credits for more than one subcategory, typically want to view the balance of the events over time broken down into these subcategories. When the capital credits are redeemed or retired, the retirement events must also indicate a subcategory. Because all events for this type of membership are related to a subcategory, the system can calculate the balance for the events by subcategory.
Partial Retirement. For some cooperatives, it is common that certain capital credit allocations are never retired. Refer to Partial Retirement for more information.
If you want the system to require a subcategory for every event in the membership, you must define the valid subcategories on the membership type page. For memberships that calculate a balance and indicate a subcategory, the balance for each subcategory may be viewed on the membership page.
Calculating Subcategory Balances. If events for your membership indicate a subcategory and fiscal year, balances for the membership are calculated for both groupings.