How To Delete Appointment Periods
You can delete a dispatch group's appointment periods one-by-one by clicking the delete button in the appointment periods grid. To quickly delete many appointment periods for a dispatch group you can click Copy Appointment Periods. We understand this is counterintuitive. The following instructions describe how to do this:
Determine the period of time during which you want to delete appointment periods (note, you cannot delete an appointment period if there are any appointments linked to the appointment period). We refer to this period as the "deletion period" below.
Use Copy From Dispatch Group to define a dispatch group that doesn't contain appointment period(s) during the deletion period.
Use Copy To Dispatch Group to define the dispatch group whose appointment periods will be deleted.
Use Copy To Start Date and End Date to define the deletion period. The system will display each date's day of the week and the Total Days in the period.
Use the Copy the same day repeatedly Copy Method. You should identify a Template Day that has no appointment periods. Adjacent to this day, the system displays:
The day name of the start day
The number of appointment periods in the start day. Please confirm that this value is zero.
You don't have to specify the holiday period options.
After you have carefully verified this information, press OK.