How To Update Maximum Number Of Appointments
You can click Update Max Appointments to quickly update the maximum number of appointments on existing appointment periods. The window that appears is identical to that described under How To Copy Appointment Periods; the only difference being that when this window is invoked in "update mode", only existing periods linked to the Copy To Dispatch Group will be updated; appointment periods will never be created or deleted. Follow the following instructions when you need to update the maximum number of appointment periods.
Use Copy From Dispatch Group to define the dispatch group whose appointment period(s) contain the desired maximum number of appointments.
Use Copy To Dispatch Group to define the dispatch group whose appointment periods will be updated.
Use Copy To Start Date and End Date to define the period for which you are updating appointment periods. The system will display each date's day of the week and the Total Days in the period.
Use Copy Method to define how appointment periods will be updated. The following options are possible:
Use Copy from the matching day in the template week if you want to update the appointment periods from a matching day of the week from a template week. When this option is selected, you must identify the Start Date of Template Week. Adjacent to this date, the system will display:
The day name of the start day
The number of appointment periods in the start day
The last day in the 7 day period (i.e., a day 7 days in the future)
The day name of the last day
The number of appointment periods in the last day
For example, if you enter a Copy To period of 1-Jan-2004 to 31-Jan-2004, the system will update appointment periods for every Monday in this period by copying the maximum number of appointments from the Monday in the Template Week (it will do the same for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, etc. in the Copy To period).
Use Copy the same day repeatedly if you want to update the appointment periods from a Template Day. Adjacent to this day, the system displays:
The day name of the start day
The number of appointment periods in the start day
For example, if you enter a Copy To period of 1-Jan-2004 to 31-Jan-2004, the system will update appointments for every day in this period by copying the maximum number of appointment periods from the Template Day.
Before you press OK, consider if holidays during the Copy To period should be treated differently than the template days. If so:
Use Calendar in which Holidays are Defined to define the work calendar that the system should use to identify holidays. The system will display the number of holidays it finds in the Copy To period adjacent.
Use For Holidays, Copy the Periods from this Date to define the template day whose appointment periods should be used for holidays.
After you have carefully verified this information, press OK.