Stock Location History Is Created Behind The Scenes
An asset's stock location history is only maintained if the asset's respective meter type / item type indicates that stock location history is maintained. If stock location is tracked, the system will create stock location history records in the following situations:
Whenever an asset is installed at a service point, a stock location history record is stored. The stock location is blank on such a record (because the asset is installed at a service point).
Whenever an asset is removed from a service point, an "installation" stock location history record is stored. The default stock location into which a removed asset is placed is defined on Postal Code Default - Service Defaults.
Whenever a meter or item is replicated, the operator must indicate the stock location at which the replicated meters / items reside. Refer to Meter Replicator and Item Replicator for more information.
If location tracking for an item type or meter type is turned off and then subsequently turned on again, any change in the location of the item / meter during the period in which location tracking is off will not be recorded. This will result in gaps in the asset's location history.