Case - Log
To view the log entries associated with a case, open by selecting Menu > Customer Information > Case > Search and navigate to the Log page.
Description of Page
The Log grid displays log entries (in reverse chronological order) that audit the progress of the case. Please note the following about the entries in this grid:
The system automatically creates log entries when a case is created, every time its status changes, or whenever an error occurs during the transition of a case. Algorithms plugged into a case type state can also be configured to create log entries. You cannot modify or delete the log entries.
You can manually add a log entry by pressing the + button and enter the Details. You cannot modify or delete this information after saving it.
The following information appears in the grid:
Log Date/Time contains the date and time the log entry was created.
Details contains user-specified or system-generated information about the log entry.
Related Object is populated on log entries that were created to record the creation of some other object. For example, if a case plug-in creates a customer contact, the related object contains information about the customer contact. Please note that if the object description is shown in blue, you can click on the object's description to drill down to the object.
Log User contains the user who caused the log entry to be created.
Log Type indicates how the log entry was created. The possible values are:
Created. Only one entry per case will be of this type. This entry is automatically created by the system when the case is created.
User Details. A user creates this type of entry manually.
Status Transition. This type of entry is created by the system each time the case's status is changed (as a result of pressing one of the Action buttons).
System. An algorithm on the case type state may be designed/configured to create this type of entry when it does something auditable. For example, an algorithm that creates a customer contact could insert a log entry to show that it did this (it will also populate the FK to the customer contact, which will appear in the Related Object column).
Transition Error. The background status transition process creates an entry of this type if an error occurs when automatically updating a case to a subsequent status (as directed by either an Enter Status algorithm or an Auto-Transition algorithm). An entry of this type lists the case states involved with the failed transition, and the algorithm in which the error was generated.
Exception. The background status transition process creates an entry of this type under the same circumstances as a Transition Error. A log entry of this type indicates why the background transition failed.
The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is CASE_​LOG_​TYPE_​FLG.