Manage Premises for a Landlord
The premise management page provides the ability to view all the premises for the landlord along with information about the accounts linked to each premise.
You may use this page to assign, change or remove the landlord agreement for multiple premises in a single action. For example if a landlord sells their properties to another person, this page facilitates updating all premises with one action rather than changing the landlord for each premise separately. For example, if the landlord sells only a portion of their properties.
This page may also be used to start or stop service for one or more premises for the landlord. For example, a landlord plans to sell a high-rise apartment complex with 100 apartments. Imagine that 8 of these apartments are vacant and the landlord's account is currently paying for any usage to these apartments. In addition to changing the landlord agreement for all 100 apartments to the new landlord, the service for the vacant apartments should be transferred to the new landlord. A user can go to premise management, use the search criteria to view all premises for this landlord in a given apartment complex whose service is currently being paid for by the landlord and start service for these premise for the new landlord. (Using the back-to-back start/stop functionality, service will be stopped for the old landlord.)