Terms Of Service - SAs
This page is used to maintain the service agreements linked to the terms of service record.
Open this page using Menu > Umbrella Agreement Management > Terms of Service > Search and navigate to the SAs page.
Description of Page
Terms of Service Info contains a concatenation of important information about the terms of service record. Terms of Service ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the terms of service record.
The filters control the service agreements that appear in the grid. The following points describe the various options:
Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements that appear in the grid. The following options are available:
Account. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given Account ID.
Address. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code. Note, you can specify any combination of these fields.
All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict service agreements based on service agreement attributes.
All Proposals. Use this option to restrict service agreements to only proposal service agreements.
All Real SAs. Use this option to restrict service agreements to only "real" service agreements (i.e., not proposal SAs).
Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to service points associated with a given Geographic Type and Geographic Value.
SA Type. Use this option to restrict service agreements to those linked to a given CIS Division and SA Type.
Specific SA. Use this option to reference a specific SA ID.
Use Status Filter to restrict the service agreements based on their status. Status values for both proposal service agreements and regular service agreements are included in the filter. The following options are available:
All. This option shows all service agreements, including proposal service agreements, regardless of status.
Refer to Service Agreement Lifecycle for the various status values for real service agreements.
Refer to Proposal SA State Transition for more information about status values for proposal service agreements.
Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters.
The grid that follows contains the Service Agreements that match your search criteria along with its Account Info.
Use the "+" to link new service agreements to the terms of service record.
Link SA Using Order. You may also link a service agreement to a TOS through orders if you have configured an appropriate campaign and package.
Note you may remove a service agreement from the TOS using the delete button as long as the change has not been committed to the database. As soon as the SA's link to the TOS has been committed to the database, you must use the Remove action to unlink the service agreement.
The Select All / Clear All buttons are used to select service agreements if you plan on issuing the mass update action Remove at the bottom of the page. Clicking Remove removes the service agreement from the terms of service record.