Process X - Populate Notification Upload Staging
Process X refers to the mechanism used by your organization to populate the various staging tables (shown in the yellow section of the following entity relationship diagram).
The NUS record contains only key header information, but it does not contain detailed information that would be required to process the notification. To define the other required information, like Account ID and meter number, you have three options:
NUS Characteristics: This is a collection of characteristic values, where the characteristic type describes the data that is contained in the characteristic values. In order to set this up correctly, the appropriate characteristic types need to be defined.
NUS Context: This is a collection of context values, where the context type describes the data that is contained in the context values. In order to set this up correctly, the appropriate context types need to be defined by your implementers.
NUS Extension: This is a separate table, with explicit columns defining the data. In order to set this up correctly, a new table and new user interface will need to be created by your implementers, along with a new Extension type.
For any of the methods, the first Workflow Event in your workflow process will have the responsibility to retrieve the core information from the Characteristic collection, the Context collection or the Extension record and populate the workflow process context or characteristic collection accordingly.
The topics in this section describe each of these tables.