Workflow Process - Events
The events page contains the activities that will be performed over the course of the workflow process. Open this page using Menu > Workflow and Notification > Workflow Process > Search and navigate to the Events page.
We strongly recommend that you understand the information described in How Are Workflow Events Completed? before using this page.
The number and type of events associated with a workflow process are defined by the process's workflow process template (which is defined on the first page). Refer to Setting Up Workflow Process Templates for more information.
Description of Page
The top portion of every page in this page contains the following information:
Workflow Process is a concatenation of summary information about this workflow process. It is composed of the workflow process template's name and description, the workflow process's status, and the creation date of the process.
Workflow Process ID is the unique system-generated identifier for this workflow process.
The scroll controls the display of the individual workflow events that comprise the workflow process. The grid shows the events that must be completed before the workflow event is triggered. Only one workflow event is displayed at a time.
Event Sequence is the unique identifier of the event.
Workflow Event Status defines the state of the event.
For more information, refer to Workflow Event Lifecycle.
If the workflow event status is Error, then the message related to the error is displayed adjacent.
Failed events are special. If the workflow event's status is Failed, the system displays the Failure Algorithm that was executed (the type of failure algorithm is defined on the event's event type) and, if the failure algorithm created a workflow process, the system displays information about the Created Workflow Process.
The Workflow Event Type defines the event's activity.
For more information, refer to Setting Up Workflow Event Types.
If Dependent on Other Events is turned on, then the event's trigger date is only determined after the event(s) on which it depends are completed. When this switch is on, a grid appears at the bottom of the page in which you define the event(s) on which this event depends.
For more information about dependent events, see Workflow Event Dependencies & Trigger Date.
The Trigger Date defines the date when the system completes (i.e., executes) the event. This field is gray when the event is dependent on the completion of other events.
For more information about a workflow event's trigger date, see Workflow Event Dependencies & Trigger Date.
Days After Previous Response defines how a dependent event's trigger date is calculated. The trigger date is set equal to X days after the last dependent event is completed, where X is the number in this field. This field is gray when the event is not dependent on other events.
For more information about dependent events, see Workflow Event Dependencies & Trigger Date.
The Status Change Date/Time is date and time the event's status was last changed.
If the event can go into the Waiting state, the Wait Date/Time is populated with the date / time on which the event started waiting.
Refer to Waiting Events And Their Waiting Process for more information.
The grid at the bottom of the page contains the events on which this event depends. This grid is only visible when the event is dependent on other events (as defined by the Dependent on Other Events switch).