Item Type
Item Type calculation rules create bill lines that levy charges based on the number and type of items used by a customer. The system keeps track of items on the service point(s) linked to the customer's service agreement.
Rule Name: Item Type
Base Package Calculation Rule Business Object: C1-ItemType
Apply Calculation Rule Algorithm Type / Algorithm: C1-ITEMTYPE
Rule Parameters:
Calculation Details: Details regarding how the calculation rule performs its calculations:
Seasonal: See Common Parameters.
Item Type: Defines the types of items to which charges are applied. When defining more than one item type on a single calculation rule, you can indicate that the item type of a bill line should be substituted into the bill line's description by using the %M substitution variable in the calculation rule's Description On Bill field.
Error If No Value: A flag that indicates (Yes or No) if a bill error should be generated if the item type specified on the calculation rule was not supplied at billing time.
Value Type: Defines the type of charge. Valid options include Charge, Percentage, or Unit Rate.
Value Source: Defines the source of the price used to calculate the charge. Depending on the source selected, this will be a Bill Factor, Value, or Algorithm.
Value/Bill Factor/Algorithm: The specific Value, Bill Factor, or Algorithm that serves as the source of the price used to calculate the charge.
Example: This calculation rule calculates charges for light poles.
Calculation Group: Lamp Charges
Calculation Rule: POLE CHARGE
Sequence: 10
Description: Pole Charge
Description On Bill: %C lamp poles at %R per pole %D %I
Print: Yes
Print if Zero: No
Rounding Type: Nearest
Precision: 0.01
Override Proration: No
Calculation Details:
Seasonal: No
Item Type: Pole(s)
Error If No Value: No
Value Type: Unit Rate
Value Source: Value
Value / Bill Factor /Algorithm: 3
GL Distribution:
Distribution Source Code: Specific Distribution Code
Distribution Code: Revenue - Area Lighting
Cross Reference:
Member Category (Category Type / Value): Charges / Total Charges
Member Category (Category Type / Value): Charges / Lamp Charges